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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Benchmarks: Safari 5 shows JavaScript boost | Browsers & Add-Ons | From the Lab | Macworld

Benchmarks: Safari 5 shows JavaScript boost | Browsers & Add-Ons | From the Lab | Macworld

When Safari 5 was released Monday, Apple claimed that the “world’s fastest” Web browser is now faster. Macworld Lab ran a performance test on the new Safari, and our results confirm that Safari 5 provides a boost over its predecessor—at least when it comes to the browser’s JavaScript engine.
We used the SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark, which focuses on Safari’s Nitro JavaScript engine. Apple claims (on the Safari website) that Safari 5 is “up to 30 percent faster than Safari 4, 3 percent faster than Chrome 5.0, and over twice as fast as Firefox 3.6.” Apple also uses the SunSpider test. More...
In my subjective tests, without measurements, Safari 5 seems a good bit faster than the previous version of the browser. It seems at least as fast as the recently released Chrome 5 browser for Mac. The real difference for me is that Chrome offers more customization. There are a lot of themes and extensions available for Chrome. Safari 5 does now support extensions however there are only a few available right now. The website that hosted a few extensions yesterday seems to be down now.

John H. Armwood

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