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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blind Man Takes Google’s Self-Driving Car for a Spin [VIDEO]

Blind Man Takes Google’s Self-Driving Car for a Spin [VIDEO]

Apple Supplier in China Pledges Big Labor Changes -

Apple Supplier in China Pledges Big Labor Changes -

Apple’s Chief, Timothy Cook, Visits Foxconn Factory -

Apple’s Chief, Timothy Cook, Visits Foxconn Factory -

‘Theft’ Law in the 21st Century -

‘Theft’ Law in the 21st Century -

"THE Justice Department is building its case against Megaupload, the hugely popular file-sharing site that was indicted earlier this year on multiple counts of copyright infringement and related crimes. The company’s servers have been shut down, its assets seized and top employees arrested. And, as is usual in such cases, prosecutors and their allies in the music and movie industries have sought to invoke the language of “theft” and “stealing” to frame the prosecutions and, presumably, obtain the moral high ground."