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Thursday, January 19, 2017

What does a Trump presidency mean for tech? - CNET

"The eight-year bromance between Barack Obama -- who appointed the first chief technology officer for the US -- and Silicon Valley is over. Now what?

That's the question the tech industry has been asking since a real estate mogul turned reality TV star, with a spotty reputation on technology, was voted in as 45th president of the United States.

President Obama, a self proclaimed geek and Trekkie, was the most tech-focused president in modern history, committing billions of dollars to support initiatives to spur innovation, improve education and encourage exploration and discovery.

On the eve of Inauguration Day, it's still unclear where Trump stands on most tech-related issues. He said very little during the campaign about the tech industry, though he did call for a boycott of Apple products over the company's stance on privacy in its fight with the FBI."

What does a Trump presidency mean for tech? - CNET

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