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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Apple iPad Pro vs. Microsoft Surface Pro 3: Computing hybrids face off | ExtremeTech

Hybrids are the front lines of the battle for user mind share

When Apple introduced the iPhone, it appealed to both Mac and Windows users. The result is that tens of millions of people use Windows on their desktop and iOS for their mobile devices. Similarly Android is used on mobile devices by a large number of Windows users. As a relatively new market, hybrids represent unclaimed territory that lies between Windows’ desktop dominance and a mobile space largely split between iOS and Android.
Now that Apple has a product in the hybrid space, I doubt many Mac users will bother looking anywhere else. The same can’t be said for Windows users — since many of them already have an iPhone or iPad they might decide that an upscale tablet like the iPad Pro is the right solution for them, instead of a downsized Windows computer like the Microsoft Surface. As an increasing amount of our computing is done on lightweight, mobile devices, that wouldn’t be good news for either Microsoft or Intel.

Apple iPad Pro vs. Microsoft Surface Pro 3: Computing hybrids face off | ExtremeTech

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